And...I'm back! Thanks for your patience as I go through spurts of posting a few times a week, to not so often. As a mom of young children, I find that at times I need to just drop out all of my lower-priority activities and focus on my sweet kids. They are only young once, you know?
Speaking of motherhood, I have been really affected this week by the heartbreaking story of a piano friend of mine from college. His beautiful wife, whom I never met but hear she was an amazing pianist (she had a PhD in piano) passed away last week from complications of childbirth after delivering their little baby girl. He is now a widower with three young children. Please take a minute and read their story here. If you feel so inclined, there is also a link on that website where you can donate to the family. And I'm sure prayers are always appreciated as well. How precious life is. Go hug the ones you love!