

Last day to enter giveaway!!

Hi Friends! I hope you had an excellent weekend. We are so excited about how many people have entered our giveaway so far! Just a reminder that to enter the giveaway you need to leave an actual comment on the original post for each of your entries. You can have up to five entries.

Our Spectacular Spring! lesson plan will be up and ready to purchase tomorrow! We are working on getting the next one ready as well (so excited!). If you have not entered our giveaway, then enter enter enter! Today is the LAST day. Our two lucky winners will be announced tomorrow morning!

Here is a sneak preview of the contents of the our Spectacular Spring! lesson plan.
Well I am off to teach an Early Explorers music class! Today's theme is "Down on the Farm" and we are going to learn all about keyboard topography.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I am following both blogs and liked both on FB.
