My studio blog

In addition to my website about my studio (which really is only a blog - someday I will set up a "real," fancy schmancy one!), I also have a private blog with lots of resources for my students and their parents. Students and parents need to log in to view this blog. Some things I have on this blog:

Since I am still working on re-building my studio after moving to a new state, in the future this blog will also contain things like:
I feel that this is a really great resource for my students. They can at any time have so many great online resources at their fingertips to help them learn about music theory, music history, or ear training; they can listen to any piece online; and they can have access to all studio policies and other information.

**Have you checked out the studio websites and blogs that have been shared by readers this week? Make sure you go take a look, and feel free to share yours as well! It is wonderful to get ideas and learn from each other!

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