Music Appreciation: Recital Attendance

Perhaps one of the best ways to promote and teach music appreciation to your students is to have them attend recitals and concerts. I know that when I personally attend piano recitals and symphony concerts, I am always so inspired to be a better musician and to practice more. I love getting to know new repertoire by hearing it performed live. A student who has never been to the symphony or to the recital of a talented pianist is truly missing out on a wonderful experience that most likely will influence them greatly.

I have never required recital/concert attendance in the past in my studio. However, I am seriously considering doing this in the near future. (I am actually preparing to move to Texas in a couple of months, which is very exciting for me because I have the opportunity to re-vamp my studio policies and get a fresh start on teaching! Wahoo!) I believe it would be so beneficial for students to even attend one recital or concert per year.

If you do a little research and use a little creativity, you can find so many opportunities in your area for your students to be exposed to great music, for very reasonable prices and even for free. Here are some ideas:
I have included a Recital Report sheet that I created for my studio - haven't used it yet but hopefully I will in the near future!

How have you encouraged recital/concert attendance in your studio?

Recital Report

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