hello, blog.

First post: ready go!

We are super excited to start this new blog. This blog came about for several reasons...

1. (since we have parallel lives) Janina and I were talking and found out we both wanted to make a cool blog. So we joined forces.
2. Julie & Julia is our new favorite movie. (yes, both of ours. we really do have parallel lives. we have rented it multiple times.) Julie makes blogging cool.
3. we both love piano and piano teaching.
4. we wanted a place where piano teachers could come together and talk. and help each other with teaching dilemmas/questions. and inspire each other. and commiserate about our students who don't like to practice.

So there you have it! We really hope you will visit often and leave some lovely comments. Aside from our posts of amazingness (hah), we will have some *awesome* regular contributors who will be posting periodically about different topics. We hope you will join in on the discussion, take our quizzes and polls, and tell us what you think!

Happy teaching!